【Meeting Notice】 Notice on the Launch of the Lung Cancer Prevention and Treatment Integrated Project and the Establishment of the Oncology Branch of the Sichuan Bioinformatics Society


To Relevant Units:

The "Sichuan Bioinformatics Society - Lung Cancer Prevention, Treatment, and Integrated Diagnosis Project Launch and Oncology Branch Establishment Academic Meeting" is scheduled to be held in Nanchong City on April 2, 2022. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

I. Background of the Meeting

The incidence of lung cancer in China has shown a new trend of being early-onset, younger, female, adenocarcinoma, and multi-source. In response to this situation, the public should update their prevention and treatment concepts in a timely manner, get out of the misunderstandings, improve the awareness of early diagnosis and treatment, understand the modern precise treatment model, strive for clever treatment and removal of the disease, and achieve long-term survival.

The lung cancer prevention, treatment, and integrated diagnosis project aims to "establish and promote county-level lung cancer screening consensus, optimize the early screening and diagnosis process and whole-process management for county-level lung cancer patients, so that every lung cancer patient can receive the most appropriate treatment, delay the progression of the disease to the greatest extent, and preserve the normal life and work ability of patients." The project integrates internal and external resources, forms a multidisciplinary management team, implements standardized diagnosis and treatment and long-term patient follow-up management, and improves the screening rate and overall diagnosis and treatment level of lung cancer. It aims to diagnose lung cancer as early and accurately as possible, provide standardized and efficient treatment for each patient as early as possible, formulate long-term follow-up plans, establish CDLC management databases at all levels of hospitals, and optimize the whole-process management of lung cancer patients through the joint operation of Nanchong Central Hospital to continuously improve clinical efficiency, enhance the diagnostic and treatment level of lung cancer center specialists, and reduce patient mortality and medical expenses.

II. Meeting Time and Place

(1) Registration Time: April 2, 2022, 09:00-13:00

(2) Meeting Time: April 2, 2022, 13:00-17:40

(3) Meeting Place: Tianfu Shangya Hotel, Nanchong City

III. Meeting Content

(1) Leadership Speech

(2) Plaque Presentation Ceremony

(3) Academic Sub-forum and Topics (see attachment for details)

(4) Establishment of the Standing Committee of the Primary Tumor Branch of the Sichuan Bioinformatics Society and the Chemotherapy Group and Nursing Group

IV. Invited Participants

(1) Members of the Northeast Sichuan Lung Cancer Integration Project Alliance;

(2) Members of the Sichuan Bioinformatics Society;

(3) Medical staff engaged in oncology and related professions in the Northeast Sichuan area.

V. Precautions

In accordance with the relevant regulations of the Sichuan Bioinformatics Society, members of the sub-group must be members of the society. Teachers who plan to join the sub-group but have not yet joined the society are requested to register and pay the membership fee through the membership registration system first (teachers who have previously joined the society do not need to go through this step). Membership fee: The membership fee of the Sichuan Bioinformatics Society is 1000 yuan (200 yuan/person/year * 5 years). Please register using a computer before March 31, 2022, at the website: http://scsswxh.lap.cmnt.cn/ (for details, see attachment 2).

VI. Contact Information for the Meeting

Secretariat of the Conference:

Liu Zhenlin 13659053355