【Meeting Notice】Notice on the "2023 Annual Meeting of the Smart Immunology Branch of Sichuan Province Bioinformatics Society"


To the Relevant Units,

The "Smart Immunology Branch of Sichuan Province Bioinformatics Society" plans to hold its 2023 annual meeting on December 17, 2023, in Chengdu City. The relevant matters of the meeting are hereby notified as follows:

I. Background of the Meeting

The 2023 annual meeting of the Smart Immunology Branch of Sichuan Province Bioinformatics Society will be themed "Immunity, Disease, Health, and Smart Medical Care from the Perspective of Data Science". Experts and young scholars from the fields of biology, medicine, computer science, and other related fields inside and outside the province have been invited. The aim is to use theories, research methods, and applications of artificial intelligence and data science to elucidate the scientific connotation of immunity from multiple perspectives, to gain a panoramic understanding of the operation mechanism of the human immune system in health and disease, to decode the immune code with a new research paradigm, and to promote precision diagnosis and treatment in service of the "Healthy China" strategy.

II. Time and Place of the Meeting

(1) Time of the Meeting: December 17, 2023

(2) Place of the Meeting: Hall No. 9, Western China International Expo City

III. Organizing Institutions

(1) Host: Sichuan Province Bioinformatics Society

(2) Organizer: Smart Immunology Branch of Sichuan Province Bioinformatics Society

(3) Co-organizers: School of Life Sciences and Technology, University of Electronic Science and Technology, Sichuan Cancer Hospital, Basic Medical College of Southwest Medical University, Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu University, The First People's Hospital of Yibin, Chengdu Jingze Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and School of Health Medical Technology, Dongsoft College, Chengdu

IV. Contact for the Meeting

Teacher Zhou 17761286468

V. Meeting Agenda