【Party Building Activity】"Watching Red Movies, Remembering Revolutionary Martyrs" Themed Party Day Activity Successfully Completed


   In celebration of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Party Branch of Sichuan Bioinformatics Society organized a series of activities themed "Celebrating the July 1st and Welcoming the National Day" on the afternoon of August 9, 2024, with the activity "Watching Red Movies, Remembering Revolutionary Martyrs". Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, China has gone through a long and glorious journey. The revolutionary history is our precious spiritual wealth, and the red gene is the root and soul of our unyielding and courageous spirit. To better inherit and carry forward this spirit, we chose to watch films with revolutionary historical themes, allowing the light of history to illuminate reality and the red gene to take root in people's hearts.

   In the film, Rong Jinzhen, with his extraordinary wisdom and unremitting efforts, worked with his comrades to solve one code problem after another, making an indelible contribution to the victory of the revolution. His story is a hymn to the wisdom and courage of the revolutionary predecessors and an inspiration and enlightenment to our younger generation.

   By watching "Deciphering", we can not only understand the outstanding achievements of the revolutionary predecessors in the field of code decryption but also deeply feel their spirit of sacrifice for the interests of the country and the people at all costs. Every party member will have a deeper understanding of the revolutionary history, feel the power of the red gene, and transform it into an inexhaustible driving force for personal growth and social progress.

   As a microcosm of history, the film allows us to more intuitively recognize the hardships and greatness of the revolutionary history. At the same time, the inheritance of the red gene is not only a review of the past but also an expectation for the future, requiring us to deeply internalize this spirit and embody it in our actions. The discussion after watching the film also promoted the exchange of ideas among party members, inspiring us to discuss how to integrate the red gene into our life and work.

   The film "Deciphering" not only recreates a period of history but also enlightens us about history. It tells us that no matter how times change, the revolutionary spirit and firm beliefs of the revolutionary predecessors are always our beacon for moving forward. It is the inheritance of this spirit that allows us to stand firm in our beliefs and forge ahead in the face of difficulties and challenges!