【Society News】Sichuan Bioinformatics Society | Biomedical Data Privacy Protection and Secure Sharing Theme Forum Successfully Held


    From December 24th to 26th, 2021, the 8th International Summit on Translational Medical Informatics and the 2nd Academic Conference of the Sichuan Bioinformatics Society were held in Chengdu. Concurrently, on the afternoon of the 25th, the "Biomedical Data Privacy Protection and Secure Sharing Theme Forum," hosted by Noway Technology, was successfully held.

    The formal implementation of the "Data Security Law" and the "Personal Protection Law" indicates that China has entered an era of strong regulation of privacy and security, with the demand for privacy protection surging. At the same time, to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party, taking reform and innovation as the fundamental driving force, accelerating the marketization of data elements, and promoting the development of the digital economy and construction, the Sichuan Bioinformatics Society (hereinafter referred to as "the Society") decided to hold the 8th International Summit on Translational Medical Informatics and the 2nd Academic Conference of the Sichuan Bioinformatics Society from December 24th to 26th, 2021, in Chengdu. On the afternoon of the 25th, the 2nd Academic Conference of Biomedical Data Privacy Protection and Secure Sharing of the Sichuan Bioinformatics Society, hosted by Noway Technology, was held. The conference invited experts and scholars in the field to share themes and hold roundtable discussions on hot topics.

    Professor Shen Bairong delivered a speech at the beginning of the conference. Professor Shen, a professor and doctoral supervisor at the System Genetics Research Institute of West China Hospital, Sichuan University, and Executive Dean, emphasized the importance of data security and privacy protection in his speech and expressed affirmation for the future of biomedical data privacy protection and secure sharing.

    Professor Wang Shuang gave a keynote speech. The first half of the conference was hosted by Dr. Yin Jin, an engineer at the Biomedical Big Data Center of West China Hospital and the Medical Big Data Center of Sichuan University, and a member of the National Information Standards Committee Big Data Standards Expert Group. The conference first invited Professor Wang Shuang, the founder, chairman, CTO of Noway Technology, a visiting researcher at the System Genetics Research Institute of West China Hospital, and a "Young and High-Level Overseas Talent" of the Central Organization Department, to give a theme sharing titled "Privacy Computing Empowers the Trustworthy Flow of Medical Data." In the speech, the insufficiencies in traditional data sharing methods and the challenges faced in sharing highly sensitive data in the era of strong data regulation were proposed. The important role of privacy protection computing in the secure sharing of medical data was elaborated, and several specific application cases of Noway in the medical field were introduced.

    Dr. He Jingjing gave an online keynote speech. Subsequently, the conference connected with Dr. He Jingjing, an associate researcher and master's tutor at the Institute of International Law of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, an associate professor at the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and a researcher at the Institute of International Economic Law, to give a keynote speech titled "Application of Clinical Medical Data in the Era of Strong Data Regulation." Dr. He introduced the policy background of secure sharing of highly sensitive clinical medical data and explained the surge in privacy protection needs and the importance of privacy protection computing from a legal perspective.

    Professor Yao Hongwei gave an online keynote speech. At the same time, the conference connected with Professor Yao Hongwei, a chief physician/professor/doctoral supervisor at the Beijing Friendship Hospital affiliated with Capital Medical University, the director of the Gastrointestinal Surgery Department of the National Clinical Research Center for Digestive System Diseases, and a young member of the Surgical Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, to give a theme sharing titled "Discussion on the Construction of Domestic and International Multicenter Surgical Clinical Research Databases, Patient Privacy Protection Methods, and Application Scenarios." In the sharing, Professor Yao introduced several multicenter surgical clinical surgical databases and the privacy protection issues and solutions involved.

    Mr. Qin Xiaohong gave a keynote speech. The second half of the conference was hosted by Professor Wang Shuang of Noway Technology. The second half started with Mr. Qin Xiaohong, the first deputy editor of the "Shanghai Hospital Information Integration Platform Construction and Practical Application Guide," giving a keynote speech titled "Medical Big Data Drives the Construction of Smart Hospitals." In the speech, Mr. Qin elaborated on the importance of smart hospital construction and the pain points and challenges in the process, and proposed that the construction of a medical institution big data platform will help the construction of smart hospitals.

    Dr. Yin Jin gave a keynote speech. Next, Dr. Yin Jin, an engineer at the Biomedical Big Data Center of West China Hospital and the Medical Big Data Center of Sichuan University, and a member of the National Information Standards Committee Big Data Standards Expert Group, gave a keynote speech titled "West China's Exploration of 'Regulation' and 'Use' of Medical Big Data." Dr. Yin shared the continuous exploration and improvement of norms and regulations related to the sharing of medical big data in practice at the Biomedical Big Data Center of West China Hospital, and introduced specific practical cases of medical big data and the challenges encountered in the process.

    Mr. Liang Haiqi gave a keynote speech. Subsequently, Mr. Liang Haiqi, a senior architect of the Intel Healthcare and Life Sciences Department, gave a theme sharing titled "Practice Sharing of Confidential Computing Technology in the Medical and Life Sciences Fields." In the sharing, Mr. Liang introduced the challenges of data security and privacy protection in the process of data element marketization and assetization, as well as the explosive demand for related technologies that followed. At the same time, he proposed that while advocating for full encryption in data sharing, attention should also be paid to the maximization of data utilization, ensuring that related technologies do not damage computational effects.

    Professor Zuo Xianbo gave an online keynote speech. Finally, Professor Zuo Xianbo, a bioinformatics doctor, professor, director of the Medical Big Data Research Center of China-Japan Friendship Hospital, deputy director of the Drug Clinical Trial Research Center, and deputy director of the Clinical Medical Research Institute Management Committee, gave a keynote speech titled "Data Security and Sharing Utilization in Clinical Research." In the speech, Professor Zuo mentioned that clinical research is a highly data-dependent field, and only a sufficiently large sample size and enough data can ensure the accuracy and precision of the research results. Single-center clinical data is often not enough to support the data volume required for a study, thus necessitating the combination of multicenter data, which raises the issue of data privacy and security protection. Utilizing technologies such as privacy protection computing to build a multicenter clinical research data secure sharing platform will effectively solve this problem.